Environment and certification

Policy for Environment and Timber Procurement

Forcap AB, as a trading entity in forest raw materials, shall ensure that its operations are conducted in the most environmentally and employee-friendly manner possible.

We shall comply with applicable legislation and adhere to the requirements and intentions of PEFC (PEFC/05-32-7/V0933)‎ and FSC® (FSC-C089427). As far as possible, we will ensure that the raw material does not originate from illegal or unauthorized logging, key biotopes, forest areas where traditional or civil rights are violated, forests where high conservation values are threatened, genetically modified trees, or natural forests that have been cleared for plantations or non-forest land use.

Forcap's Operations Shall Follow ILO Requirements

Youths under the age of 18 do not perform hazardous or physically demanding work

Child labor is not accepted

No forms of forced labor are accepted

No forms of discrimination in employment or in the workplace are accepted

All employees have the right to join a union and the right to collective bargaining

Operations shall be conducted and improved in such a way as to minimize any potential negative impact on the environment.

Raw materials shall predominantly come from environmentally sustainable certified forestry. Forcap AB shall strive to increase this volume.

We will responsibly fulfill our commitments to employees, the community, the environment, and our contractors.

Staff will be trained and informed so that they can meet the above requirements and intentions.

The CEO is responsible for annually monitoring compliance with the policy through spot checks on purchased items and reporting the results to the board.

Roger Johansson


Forcap är certifierat genom medlemskap i PanCert AB grupp för spårbarhet CoC

Certifikaten kan ses här, där certifikatskoder framgår.

Uppgifter om företaget kan ni finna i respektive databas om certifiering

Om kritik mot vår spårbarhet ber vi er vänligen att kontakta oss på företaget

Ett hjortron som växer bland annat grönska

Policy för Miljö och Virkesinköp

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